4.1 Single Authority Mode

4.1 Single Authority Mode

When your system is configured for a single level of Authority and you receive a notification that someone wants you to approve a requisition you will be able to approve the requisition and generate a purchase order.

If the total appears in Green, this indicates that you have the authority to create a purchase order for that amount. In this case you will be presented with a Generate Purchase Order button, which when pressed, will approve any non-declined lines and create a purchase order.

If the total appears in Red, this indicates that the total amount of the requisition is above your authority limit. In this case you will be presented with a Generate Purchase Order button, which when pressed, will approve any non-declined lines and create a purchase order in an "Awaiting Authorisation" state, which then needs to be approved from within Exo by a person with the appropriate authorisation approval amount.

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