Getting started
Chris Johnstone
First Run
The first time you run 4Hire you will be presented with a setup wizard. To make sure that 4Hire is working correctly, make sure to fill out all the details in this wizard before you start using 4Hire.
Setup Your Exo Connection
The first step asks you for your Exo connection. This list is populated from the registry on the computer 4Hire is installed on, so you must at least have used Exo on the computer previously. This connection information is needed to open Clarity Reporting, which is used to print out forms and reports.
If the connection name does not exist in the drop-down box, click the Add button and manually type the name of the connection, exactly as it appears in the Exo connection screen.
Location Exo Executables
Here you will be asked to specify the location of your Exo files. This may be on your local computer or on a network share. By clicking the ellipses button to the right of the text box, you will be presented with a folder selection dialogue. Once you have selected the folder that your Exonet.exe is located in, the text boxes for Clarity and Job Cost will be filled out automatically. You can change these values manually if you need to, but most of the time you will be able to leave these as the defaults.
Stock Locations
This step involves selecting the stock locations that you wish to make available as a hire location. Simply tick the checkbox next to each location that is a hire location.
Default Location
Here you will specify which of the previously selected stock locations you wish to set as your current default location. This will determine the contracts and stock levels that you see in 4Hire
Default Branch
Similar to selecting your default stock location, you now need to select your branch. This is important for invoicing, as any invoices you generate will be associated with this branch, allowing accounting to see the revenue generated by the branch.
Default Categories
This step will only be shown if you have not already setup a contract category.
Enter a name for your first contract category. Contract categories are a way of tagging a contract. This is useful for invoice batches, for example, you may have a category called Monthly, and another one called Quarterly, which allow you to only generate invoices for contracts tagged with each category on the right date for billing.
Price Lists
This step will only appear if you have not already set up a price list.
Specify a name for your fist Price List Type. A Price List Type is a whole category of price lists. For example, you may have two categories of price lists, one called Default and one called VIP. Each category may contain multiple price lists, for different lengths of time, varying from 1 hour to 1 day to 12 months.
At this point also specify a name for the first Price List in the Price List Type above. This is all you need to do at this point, as you will add stock items to the price lists at a later time.
Fault Types
Specify what the default “fault” type is for items that are returned due to breakage etc. The suggested default is “Normal Wear and Tear”. A more complete list can be created once you have completed the Setup Wizard.
Tax Rate
In this step you need to specify the tax rate to be used for hiring goods. This list comes from the available tax rates in your Exo database.
At this point you have now configured the essential settings in 4Hire.
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