Fixed Assets
Chris Johnstone
4Hire allows you to transfer the cost associated with your stock items into the Fixed Assest module when creating hire items. When processing new stock, if the item is serial tracked within Exo Business, you will be asked if you would like to create the item as a Fixed Asset.
This allows your hire items that have a depreciating stock value associated with them to be handled by the Fixed Assets system in MYOB Exo Business.
If you answer yes to the question, a new entry in the Fixed Assets Suspended Journal will be created for the number of items that you have already transferred into the hire Stock Location. From this point all depreciation and costing is handled within the Fixed Assets module. Your hire items will still appear as stock items within 4Hire and MYOB Exo, but should have a $0 cost associated with them.
Once you have specified that a particular Stockcode is a Fixed Asset within 4Hire, the program will remember your choice, and if you ever transfer more stock into a hire Stock Location the suspended journal will be automatically created in the Fixed Assets mod